Captain's Log #1 - D-132|Y-3000

Been 3 days. Still on course. Had to stop at Karami Station because someone destroyed multiple coolant canisters. By 'someone' I obviously mean Meta and Jan. Those two... the only reason I haven't kicked them out into the void yet is because they are the best of the best in their field. But man, sometimes I could not care less about how good they are when they come up with another one of their... "pranks", they call 'em.

Architect help me. I should just lock them in a chamber until I need them. Since that goes against guidelines and also, probably, their rights, I can't do that.

Anyways. Rest of the crew is in good spirits (I still can't tell with Kory but I'm assuming they're fine). It's a short trip. Just another two weeks.

Message Log, Crewmembers Kory/Meta - D-135|Y-3000

Meta: Hey you seen Jan

Kory: I have not.

Meta: but he was in med right??

Kory: Not to my knowledge, no.


Kory: I have not seen Jan, Meta. I need to get back to work. Bye.

Meta: ughhhhhh really helpful thank you (that's sarcasm by the way)

Kory: Ok.

Captain's Log #2 - D-136|Y-3000

Jan has gone missing. Because of course he has. I can't bring myself to care at the moment. Truly, I can't. Good riddance, for now. I'll get worried when the O2 system fails.

Meta is still looking in every corner of the ship, even checked all the cargo. He hasn't freaked completely (yet) and Laye is helping him search to keep him in that aproximate state.

Food, water and all the other supplies are still looking good. If Laye starts stress-eating again there's always the ol' KG-72 Station in the Coll sector. So we're good.

Just hope that Jan isn't dead.